The Day The Earth Stood Still


I’ve got my tickets for tomorrow. I am trying to have an open mind about this movie – trying. As expected, the critics are on a stampeed about Keanu’s acting skills, or lack of any. Some of them are really funny. In this movie, Keanu is an alien in human form here to warn us about the imminent doom of planet earth if we don’t change our ways. He brought with him, a robot named Gort that could unleash mass destruction. Nick Schager from Slant Magazine saidΒ  –Β  “Since Keanu Reeves has all the expressiveness of a toaster, why is he starring in the new The Day the Earth Stood Still as human-looking alien Klaatu rather than giant robot Gort? While Victor Oliver from Teletext said – “Keanu Reeves plays Klaatu with all the expressiveness of a wok. I have never seen a wok better portrayed”. Okaaaaay … should I ask for a refund now?

Link to Victor Oliver’s Review: Click here

8 Responses to “The Day The Earth Stood Still”

  1. 1 Victor Olliver December 12, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    Ah, but I liked the film unlike most other critics. I think many have taken against its Green message: they don’t get the Gaia theory ….

  2. 2 BigMacky December 12, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    Victor Oliver

    Okaaaaaaay. This is freaking me out. First, it was Jackie K. Cooper who came to my blog after I commented on his work. Now, Victor Oliver. Why do I get a strange feeling that someone is trying to pull my legs? But if you are indeed him, do accept my apology for my paranoia.

  3. 3 Victor Olliver December 12, 2008 at 5:12 pm

    It’s a really good film – I’m sending u my office email.

  4. 4 BigMacky December 12, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    Victor Olliver

    Hey, thanks. I will read your review on the movie again – this time, thoroughly. I promise. But I found your comment “expressiveness of a wok”, “For the best photo ops, Klaatu lands in Manhattan in a luminous orb resembling a giant gas planet” and “Reeves is the perfect Klaatu. Facial paralysis has never been put to better use” so hilarious. It must be fun having a job like yours. Getting paid to poke fun of celebrities. Envious.

  5. 5 Victor Olliver December 12, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Thanks – it’s a job with its moment for sure. Often watching other critics at screenings is more interesting though. At TDTESS I could tell the reviewers were in a foul mood, especially when John Cleese pops up – they tittered scornfully. Sci-fi usually fares badly with reviewers, I think because they find it hard to sense what’s credible or not.

  6. 6 BigMacky December 12, 2008 at 5:43 pm


    I will look forward to tomorrow’s screening. Thank you for dropping by my silly blog. I’m still wondering how you got here. That reminds me to give credit when credit is due and not to write carelessly for the sake of writing. Note to self: am not alone in cyberspace.

  7. 7 Jackie K Cooper January 16, 2009 at 10:01 am

    Hey Big Macky –

    Victor and I are real. The question is – are you?

  8. 8 BigMacky January 16, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Jackie K Cooper

    Good question. πŸ™‚

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