Archive for the 'Work' Category

Working Wounded


Today was one of those working wounded days. But I have a great Boss and mentor, which despite his super busy schedule, took 35 mins off just to have a chat with me. He was away for a week and back yesterday, it’s understandable if he doesn’t have the time. But he did – find time. And I appreciate that. It was a chat like no other we’ve ever had. It was very open and personal. Very real. He dropped everything he was doing and listened. Sat there and listened as I voiced my grouses. I told him I am beginning to lose it. The frustrations of everyone giving a “don’t cross my line or I’ll bite” attitude. I don’t do this often, or often enough. But when I snapped this afternoon, I just walked straight into his office after a shitty meeting – I just blurted out everything. Though I’ve only been working for him since February this year – I guess he pretty much knew my character well. He said many things which made it all worthwhile. At the end, I just said – it’s ok, I’ll handle them. I just needed to blurt – and blurt I did.

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