Archive for August, 2008

PS3: Afrika

Ok, those who followed Sony’s game announcements would know by now that this game is supposed to show off Playstation 3’s visual capabilities. Nah, not gonna talk about that. To me, being in an open Safari taking pictures is not something that appeals to me. Yeah, stupid. But not as stupid as the title for this game. In Japan, this game is called Afrika. But for the rest of Asia – get this, its called Hakuna Matata! What the fuck! Isn’t that from Lion King? I am not kidding, click here to see for yourself.

Resistance 2: Box Art

Could it be that I am starting to get bored with videogames? Nah, impossible. But I feel nothing knowing that Resistance 2 will be coming soon and looking at the boxart, nothing. Tired of aliens, zombies and whatnot. The only game that I am curious and really looking forward to is LittleBigPlanet come October.

iLuv the iMM173

This iMM173 iPhone/iPod dock from iLuv is yummylicious. Retailing for US$129 from next month onwards – it might just be the only thing I will be looking out for during my October trip to Hong Kong. Isn’t it a beauty?

Hong Kong In October

Hong Kong. I know its not cheap but I didn’t expect it to be this expensive. Had a furious day hunting for a decent room for my October trip and I just could not accept the fact that I had to pay for a 3 star hotel with prices comparable to 4 stars in Tokyo. Tokyo! For goodness sakes! This trip, its just a short weekend getaway to bump around with my friends there. Nothing special planned. No tourist spots policy applies. In fact, I will be bringing my Nintendo Wii along so that I can game when I don’t feel like going out. My friends amazed me by offering up their apartment for us (a group of 3) while they stay in a hotel instead. Of course I could not take up such an offer but still – I was touched by his kind hospitality. In the end, I found a nice little hotel in WanChai, Hong Kong Island. Its located near my favorite spot in Hong Kong. Oriental 188 Shopping Centre – a videogame haven. For US$160 a nite, its a little pricey but at least the rooms are nice. Here, take a peek.

Continue reading ‘Hong Kong In October’

Lip My Stocking, Mr. Harris

Watched LOST IN TRANSLATION again last nite, this scene killed me. Background, Bill Murray’s character is Mr. Harris. A movie star from the US on a commercial shoot trip for Suntory. The boss of Suntory sent him a midnite surprise. “Mr. Kazu send Premium Fantasy. My stocking. Lip them. Hey! Lip my stocking! Preeeeeeees”.

Note: Somehow, YouTube have this thing of saying video no longer available but its there. Visit the link below for video:

My Pioneer SE-DRS3000C

A couple of friends will be visiting from Japan next month. I took this opportunity and asked one of them to help me get this from Tokyo. Now all my Blurays will finally get the audio output they deserve. Since I am staying in an apartment – a home theater system is not an option. Can’t wait to try this baby with my Call Of Duty 4.

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